How do I operate the CalEEMod?

New users and experienced users alike are encouraged to consult Chapter 3 of the User’s Guide. To open the model, double click on the CAPCOA CalEEMod 2020.4.0 icon and it will automatically open to the first screen, Project Characteristics, which will require the user to insert project name and location, and select climate zone and utility provider. The user has the option to choose which pollutants will be included in the output report. To advance to the next screen, the user can either click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on the ribbon at the top of the screen (e.g., Land Use). Once the user has advanced to the Land Use screen and enters the land uses for the project, the user has the option to go directly to the Reporting screen if the analysis does not necessitate changing any of the default values. Since CalEEMod does not contain default assumptions for demolition, grading, site preparation during construction, trenching, truck hauling/material movement or mitigation during construction and operation, the user will need to enter this information in order to ensure the final calculations take these phases and any mitigation measures into account.

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How can I learn more about running the model and the steps involved?

The User’s Guide and the Appendices provide guidance for operating the model and contain background information on the detailed calculations and default assumptions programmed into CalEEMod, including the references relied upon and source material for the equations and default assumptions. These documents can be downloaded from www.CalEEMod.com by clicking on the User’s Guide tab.

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Can I change the defaults?

Yes, most of the defaults provided in the model can be changed. However, when any defaults are modified, the user will be prompted to provide an explanation to justify and support the modification in the “Remarks” box located at the bottom of the screen before being able to proceed to the next screen. Modifications to all defaults and the associated explanations are noted in the output report. Comments in the Remarks box are also included in the output report to alert reviewers that modifications were made to the defaults. Comments are important because they provide the user’s justification for the modifications, which alerts reviewers to evaluate the modifications to determine if they are reasonable, appropriate and sufficiently justified.

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Can CalEEMod Version 2020.4.0 process input files that were previously created using an older version of the model? New! (as of June 2021)

No. Input files created using previous versions of CalEEMod (e.g., Version 2016.3.2 and older) are not compatible with CalEEMod Version 2020.4.0 because many default parameters were updated.  

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What is the function of the "Import csv" button?

Comma Separated Value (.csv) is a type of file that is formatted in simple text for a database table. Each record in the table is one line of the text file. Each field value of a record is separated from the next by a character (typically a comma), however, in Excel, separation is by column and/or row of data. The user may import data via a .csv file that includes the same information requested on the CalEEMod screen which can be helpful for modeling projects with a large number of land uses, construction equipment, etc., without having to manually enter the information. For example, instead of using the default construction phases and corresponding start/end dates that appear on the CalEEMod screen, the user can prepare the information on the phase name, phase type, start/end dates for each phase, number of days/week and total days of each phase specifically for the project and import the resulting spreadsheet using the Import .csv function. A template with dropdown menus has been provided (see User’s Guide tab on www.caleemod.com) to assist the user in importing csv data and defaults into CalEEMod. The entire spreadsheet can be imported into CalEEMod using the Open Project function or each tab saved as a .csv file to be imported under a corresponding CalEEMod screen (e.g., Land Use tab imported into the Land Use screen). Please note that when using the .csv template, the dropdown menus provide 100 rows. Delete any unused rows before importing the .csv file to prevent CalEEMod from reading blank rows which will cause the model to run slower.

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What updates are included in CalEEMod Version 2020.4.0? - New!

The following is a list of the revisions and additions that are included in CalEEMod Version 2020.4.0:

  1. CARB's EMFAC2017 (https://www.arb.ca.gov/emfac/2017/) data was incorporated.
  2. CARB’s EMFAC2017 N2O emissions were added into CalEEMod.
  3. A toggle button and the associated emission factors to allow an analysis to be conducted which relies upon either the original EMFAC2017 emission factors or CARB’s EMFAC2017 off-model adjustment factors for certain gasoline-fueled light duty and medium duty vehicles (EMFAC vehicle codes:  LDA, LDT1, LDT2, and MDV) to account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule - Part One was incorporated.
  4. The 2019 update to Title 24 (building efficiency % reduction, see http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2019standards/index.html) was incorporated. 
  5. ITE 10th edition trip rate data was incorporated for land uses previously programmed into the model.
  6. Utility Intensity Factors for greenhouse gases were updated.
  7. Butte County AQMD’s default architectural coatings, and urban and rural trip lengths were updated.
  8. Ventura County and Ventura County Air Pollution Control District’s default architectural coatings were updated.
  9. Shasta County AQMD’s residential H-W trip type percent was updated.
  10. The wind speed, percent of roads paved, and architectural coatings for Yolo County and Solano County–Sacramento Air Basin portion, and Yolo/Solano AQMD were updated in the model and in Appendix D of the User’s Guide.
  11. Several parameters’ formats were updated to allow input values with more decimal places.
  12. A pop-up message was added to let users know the maximum lot size CalEEMod can process is 10,000 acres.
  13. A pop-up message was added to let users know that Unit Amount should be consistent with Lot Acreage or Square Feet on the Land Use page, and the Unit Amount should not be left as zero or blank.
  14. A pop-up message was added to warn the user selecting the general light industry land use subtype that a project with a lot size greater than 50,000 square feet will not be able to run the model. The user will need to select a different land use type more appropriate for a project with a lot size greater than 50,000 square feet such as general heavy industry, industrial park, or manufacturing. 
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What updates are included in the User's Guide for CalEEMod Version 2020.4.0? - New!

The User’s Guide is comprised of the main document plus Appendices A through F. The following table contains a list of the changes that were made to reflect the recent updates contained in CalEEMod Version 2020.4.0:

Document Name

Recent Changes Reflected in the User’s Guide for Version 2020.4.0

User’s Guide

  1. Minimum system requirements and installation procedures in Chapter 2 were updated.
  2. New screenshots were added throughout Chapter 3.
  3. New screenshots were added throughout Chapter 4.
  4. Subpart 4.1 was updated to include the option for toggling between EMFAC2017 and EMFAC2017 with the SAFE Rule – Part One off-model adjustment factors.
  5. Subpart 4.4.2 was updated to include N2O emissions from EMFAC2017.

Appendix A – Calculation Details for CalEEMod

  1. Section 5.2 was updated to reflect the EMFAC2017 emission factors.
  2. The section for Special Handling in CalEEMod for Diesel Fueled HHD and MHD truck emission factors was removed, because EMFAC2017 has trips per day data which make the special handling of the previous emission factors obsolete. 
  3. Section 7 – Energy Use, was updated to reflect the 2019 Title 24 standards.

Appendix D – Default Data Tables

  1. Table 1.1 was updated to change the wind speed for Yolo County, Solano County – Sacramento Air Basin portion, and Yolo/Solano AQMD.
  2. Table 1.2 was updated to reflect the most recently available Utility Intensity Factors.
  3. Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.7 were updated to change the phase length, equipment list and grading equipment rate assumptions. 
  4. Table 4.1 was updated to change the percent of paved roads for Yolo County, Solano County – Sacramento Air Basin portion, and Yolo/Solano AQMD.
  5. Tables 4.2 and 6.1 were updated to change:  a) the default urban/rural trip lengths and architectural coatings data for Butte County; b) the default architectural coatings data for Ventura County, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo County, Solano County – Sacramento Air Basin portion, and Yolo/Solano AQMD; and c) the default residential H-W trip type percentage for Shasta AQMD.
  6. Table 4.3 was updated to reflect the ITE 10th edition trip rate data for land uses previously programmed into the model.
  7. Table 8.1 was updated to reflect the 2019 Title 24 Standards.

Appendix E – Technical Source Documentation

Appendix E5 was updated to reflect the 2019 Title 24 standards. 

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Who should I contact if I encounter problems or have questions about CalEEMod?

  • As of March 1, 2022, CAPCOA is no longer providing technical support for technical issues associated with downloading, installing, and running the model for desktop version 2020.4.0.
  • For non-technical issues and questions relating to desktop version 2020.4.0, please refer to the User’s Guide and Appendices. If you are unable to locate the information you seek, please direct your inquiry to the person on the Contacts webpage that corresponds to the region or Air District where your project is located.

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Can CalEEMod be used for projects outside of California?

No. The model was developed using California mobile source emission factors, which are different from the mobile source emission factors used in most of the other 49 states. Similarly, other parameters, especially those related to calculating GHG emissions, are California-specific, including climate zones, Utility Intensity Factors for greenhouse gases, etc. Further, some default factors were provided by several air districts in California and, therefore, are county- or air basin-specific.

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What should I do if I encounter an error of “Unexpected error from external database driver (1)”? 

If the following error message “Unexpected error from external database driver (1)” appears when importing and saving an Excel file as .xls, you are not using the most recent version of CalEEMod. To fix the error, users will need to fully uninstall CalEEMod and install Version 2020.4.0.29 which is available from the Download Model tab. Please consult with your IT group before uninstalling these files. 

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Copyright © 2017 California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA)
Developed by BREEZE Software, A Division of Trinity Consultants in collaboration with the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the California Air Districts