The previous version of CalEEMod (2011.1.1) was released March 2011 and was programmed with emission factors and defaults available at that time. For example, v. 2011.1.1 calculates mobile source emissions based on CARB's EMFAC2007 and OFFROAD2007 that were superseded by EMFAC2011 and OFFROAD2011. The current version of CalEEMod is recommended for users who want to use the most recent emission factors. The old software is provided here for historical purposes. Users should contact their local air district for guidance prior to using any older version of CalEEMod.
Before installing, be sure to “uninstall” any other versions of the model. The previous version, CalEEMod 2011.1.1, can be downloaded from the following two installation files:
Just a reminder, CalEEMod v. 2011.1.1 was programmed using Microsoft SQL Compact Edition in conjunction with a Visual Basic Graphical User Interface (GUI). Downloading CalEEMod requires the following system requirements:
- Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or 7 Operating System
- Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 or higher
- Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2
- 90 Mb hard drive space available
Download both files onto the computer and locate the files. Click the setup.exe file and it will walk you through the installation (of the .msi file). The model can be found as an icon on the desktop and in the Start, Programs menu. In some cases, network “firewalls” may prevent downloading of the model. Please be sure to have appropriate User privileges activated and the proper system requirements.