What are the system requirements for installation? - New!
CalEEMod was programmed by Trinity using Microsoft SQL Compact Edition in conjunction with a Visual Basic Graphical User Interface (GUI). CalEEMod requires the following system requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 8 or 10 Operating System with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
- Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or 7 Operating System with Microsoft .Net Framework 4 or higher
- Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2
- Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable, 32-bit
- 300 Mb hard drive space available
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How do I install the model on my computer? - New!
To install Version 2016.3.2:
- Ensure you have the required Microsoft .Net framework installed on your machine.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is available for free from Microsoft at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or higher is available free from Microsoft at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851.
Once the file is downloaded, unzip the file anywhere on your computer and run the installation file (setup.exe) and follow the instructions on Microsoft’s website to locate the appropriate .msi file.
- To install Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2, go to: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5783.
- For a 32-bit computer, you will need to install SSCERuntime_x86-ENU.msi.
- For a 64-bit computer, you will need to install both the 32-bit and the 64-bit version of the SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 MSI files because the existing SQL Server Compact 3.5 applications may fail if only the 32-bit version of the .msi file is installed on the 64-bit computer.
- To install 32-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable, go to: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13255&751be11f-ede8-5a0c-058c-2ee190a24fa6=True, click on 'Download', select “AccessDatabaseEngine.exe” (25.3 MB), and click on 'Next'. Once this file is downloaded, double click on “AccessDatabaseEngine.exe” file and follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation.
- From www.CalEEMod.com, download the installation file (CalEEMod.WixSetup 2016.3.2.25), click on the file and follow the instructions. Pages 6 through 8 show screen shots of the CalEEMod Windows Installer XML (WiX) Setup Wizard.
CalEEMod version 2016.3.2 can be installed side by side with version 2016.3.1 provided that each version is installed in different folders. If you want to run CalEEMod version 2016.3.2 side by side with CalEEMod version 2016.3.1, but CalEEMod version 2016.3.1 is already installed in C:\Program Files\CAPCOA\CalEEMod on a 32-bit computer or C:\Program Files (x86)\CAPCOA\CalEEMod on a 64-bit computer, click on 'Change' to change the destination folder.
- For a 32-bit computer, the default directory for CalEEMod version 2016.3.2 is C:\Program Files\CAPCOA\CalEEMod;
- For a 64-bit computer, the default directory for CalEEMod version 2016.3.2 is C:\Program Files (x86)\CAPCOA\CalEEMod.
Please note that if you use Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10, file privileges may not allow access rights to some folders during program operations such as C:\Program Files\.
- Click 'Next' until the installation has completed, then click 'Finish' to exit the installer.
- If you have any further trouble installing CalEEMod, verify that you have appropriate user privileges and that your computer meets the operating system requirements.
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How do I operate the model?
New users and experienced users alike are encouraged to consult Chapter 3 of the User’s Guide. Open the model as you would open any other software program. The model will automatically open to the first screen, Project Characteristics, which will require the user to insert project name, location, climate zone and utility. The user has the option to choose which pollutants to report. To move to the next screen the user can either click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or the click on the following screen listed (e.g., Land Use) in the ribbon at the top of the screen. Once the user has made to the Land Use screen, the user has the option to go directly to the Reporting screen as the fields will be automatically populated with default values for construction and operational activities based on the data provided on the first two screens (e.g., Project Characteristics and Land Use). The model does not contain default assumptions for demolition, grading, site preparation during construction, or mitigation during construction and operation. The user will have to provide this information in order to ensure inclusion in the final calculations.
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How can I learn more about running the model and the steps involved?
The user is recommended to read the User’s Guide and the Appendices to assist in operating the model as well as understand the detailed calculations and default assumptions used. Both documents can be downloaded from User’s Guide webpage. Further, the documentation provides the references and sources for the equations and default assumptions as substantial evidence to support their usage in the model and conclusions in the report.
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Can I change the defaults?
Yes, most of the defaults already provided in the model can be changed. However, if any defaults are modified, an explanation will be required in the “Remarks” box found at the bottom of the screen to justify and support the modification before the user will be able to proceed to the next screen. Modifications to defaults and the explanations are noted in the output report. Comments in the Remarks box are also included in the report and alert reviewers of modifications to the defaults. Comments are important because they show the user’s justification for the modifications, which allows the reviewers the ability to determine whether or not the modifications are reasonable and sufficiently justified.
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What is the function of the "Import csv" button?
Comma Separated Value (.csv) is a type of file that is formatted in simple text for a database table. Each record in the table is one line of the text file. Each field value of a record is separated from the next by a character (typically a comma); however, in Excel, separation is by column and/or row of data. The user is able to import a .csv file that includes the same information requested on the screen. This will enable users with projects that have a large number of land uses, construction equipment, etc., to be able to import the data rather than inserting the information manually.
For example, instead of using the default construction phases and corresponding start/end dates on the CalEEMod screen, the user can prepare the information on phase name, phase type, start/end dates for each phase, number of days/week and total days of each phase specifically for the project and import the resulting spreadsheet using the Import csv function.
A template with dropdown menus has been provided to assist the user in importing data and defaults into CalEEMod. The spreadsheet can be imported wholly into CalEEMod using the Open Project function or each tab saved as .csv file to be imported under corresponding CalEEMod screen - e.g., Land Use tab imported into the Land Use screen.
Please note that when using the template, the dropdown menus are provided for 100 rows. Deleting any unused rows before importing will prevent the program from reading blank rows and operating slower.
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How is CalEEMod Version 2016.3.2 different from the previous version (CalEEMod 2016.3.1)? - New!
The following is a list of the revisions and additions that are included in CalEEMod 2016.3.2:
- The 2016 update to Title 24 (building efficiency % reduction - http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2016standards/index.html) was incorporated.
- A new interactive logging and tracing feature to capture and report errors was implemented to provide technical support.
a) For a handled error (e.g., when CalEEMod encounters an error, and recognizes the error), a specific error message will appear on the screen.
b)For an unhandled error (e.g., when CalEEMod encounters an error, but does not recognize the error), a pop up window will appear on the screen that offers an option for the User to contact the development team.
- A new and more stable installer wizard, Windows Installer XML (WiX), has replaced InstallShield.
- The installation folder was separated from the working folder to allow the User to instantaneously close or exit CalEEMod.
- A new screen reminder has been added to the fleet mix screen which will alert the user if fleet mix total for each Land Use SubType is above or below 100%.
- The rolling calendar for construction phases was corrected.
- The process of loading/opening an existing project file was corrected so that the user-defined fleet mix and user-defined operational year will be preserved.
- The presentation of the mitigated consumer product emissions in the summer and winter reports was corrected when Parking Land Use Type is defined in the project.
- Issues with generating a report when CO2 Equivalent GHG (CO2e) is selected or user-defined Phase Name is provided, were fixed.
- Several issues associated with the comparison of user-defined values against CalEEMod defaults were corrected.
- Several issues with the checking/unchecking the “Default” button were corrected.
- Fixed miscalculation of the annual fugitive dust emissions for PM10 and PM2.5 (bug caused emissions to be overestimated for projects with multiple construction years).
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How is the User's Guide for CalEEMod Version 2016.3.2 different from the previous version (CalEEMod 2016.3.1)? - New!
The User’s Guide is comprised of the main document plus Appendices A through F. The following is a list of the changes that were made to reflect the recent updates contained in CalEEMod 2016.3.2:
What Changed in the User’s Guide Since Version 2016.3.1?
User’s Guide (main document)
- Minimum system requirements and installation procedures in Chapter 2 were updated.
- New screenshots were added throughout Chapter 3.
- New screenshots were added throughout Chapter 4.
- Subchapter 4.6 – Energy Use was updated to reflect the 2016 Title 24 standards.
Appendix A – Calculation Details for CalEEMod
- New Section 5.2 was added which describes the methodology for converting EMFAC2014 emission rates into CalEEMod vehicle Emission factors
- Section 7 – Energy Use, was updated to reflect the 2016 Title 24 standards.
Appendix D – Default Data Tables
Table 8.1 Energy Use by Climate Zone and Land Use Type, was updated to reflect the 2016 Title 24 Standards.
Appendix E – Technical Source Documentation
Appendix E5 – Analysis of Building Energy Use Data, was updated to reflect the 2016 Title 24 standards.
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Who should I contact if I encounter problems or have questions about CalEEMod? - New!
- For technical issues associated with downloading, installing, and running the model, please send an email to CalEEMod_TechSupport@trinityconsultants.com.
- If the User’s Guide does not contain the information you seek, please direct your inquiry to the person on the Contacts page that corresponds to the region or Air District where your project is located.
- For other general questions, comments, feedback and suggestions for improvements and future upgrades, please send an email to inquiry@caleemod.com. Please provide your contact name, organization, phone number and email address.
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Can CalEEMod be used for projects outside of California?
No. The model was developed using California mobile source emission factors, which are different from the mobile source emission factors used in most of the other 49 states. Similarly, other parameters, especially those related to calculating GHG emissions, are California-specific, including climate zones, carbon intensity factors, etc. Further, some default factors were provided by several air districts in California and, therefore, are county- or basin-specific.
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Why does CalEEMod2016.3.1/.2 calculate higher idling exhaust emissions for heavy-heavy duty (HHD) trucks than CalEEMod2013.2.2? - New!
CalEEMod2016.3.1/.2 corrected an assumption that was previously made in CalEEMod2013.2.2 regarding HHD’s average trips per day which lead to an underestimation of HDD trucks’ idling exhaust emission factors. For details, see Appendix A, section 5.2.
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What should I do if I encounter an error of “Unexpected error from external database driver (1)”? - New!
If the following error message “Unexpected error from external database driver (1)” appears when importing and saving an Excel file as .xls, the most recent version of CalEEMod is not being used. To fix the error, users will need to fully uninstall CalEEMod and install version 2016.3.2.25 which is available from the Download Model tab.
Please consult with your IT group before uninstalling these files. For this technical issue and any other technical issues associated with downloading, installing, and running the model, please send an email to CalEEMod_TechSupport@trinityconsultants.com.
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