September 2009
This protocol contains information on how an applicant may obtain a Clean Air
Solvent (CAS) Certificate. Primarily, the CAS is considered a water base
solvent containing no more than 25 grams per liter (g/L) Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOCs) with the remainder being water, and is used to perform solvent
cleaning, finishing, or surface preparation operations, or activities.
The South Coast AQMD will notify the applicant of the findings of laboratory analysis
within 90 to 180 days of the receipt of all requested information. A CAS Certificate
will be issued within 30 days of such notification if the product is approved as
a CAS by the South Coast AQMD.
Information Required
of the product (including chemical name, if any);
address, telephone and Fax number of the applicant (and contact person, if
data sheet for the product, if available (will be treated as confidential if
safety data sheet for the product, if available;
unopened sample of product, 1 quart or more:
user instructions on how the product is intended to be used, including
concentration or dilution ratio, temperature, and any other relevant factor.
Fee Required
At the time of filing for a CAS Certificate, the applicant must submit with
the sample product a fee for each product to be tested. This fee
includes the GC/MS analysis for 5 or fewer compounds, density measurement, one
(1) hour time and material, and the CAS certificate.
Adjustments may be made to the submitted fee with the applicant receiving a
refund or being billed for additional analysis needed of the sample. A refund
will be made if the actual testing fee is less than the submitted testing fee;
or additional billing will be made if the actual testing fee is greater than the
submitted testing fee. In addition, if the candidate product does not qualify
for the certificate, appropriate adjustments will be made and monies refunded to
the applicant, where warranted. This refund will include the certificate
fee and any unused portion of the analysis fee.
These fees are taken from District Rule 301 and will be based on the
current version of the rule at the time of submittal.
Submittal Address
CAS Certification
Planning, Rule Development & Area Sources
Attn: Michael Morris
South Coast Air
Quality Management District
21865 Copley Drive
Diamond Bar, CA
The certifiability of the product will be determined by testing the unopened
submitted product. Analysis will be performed by the South Coast AQMD Laboratory using
the most recent version of SCAQMD Method 313, Determination of Volatile
Organic Compounds (VOC) by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS).
A copy of Method 313 may be found in Appendix I. The
detection limit for the individual components of this method is 0.01%. However, only compounds that are 0.1% or greater will be considered in the
identification and quantitation of compounds. These compounds will be
included in the calculations for VOC and VOC composite partial pressure (CPP).
The certification process (also see Process
Diagram below) will entail the following steps by evaluating the GC/MS data
obtained by using Method 313:
the GC/MS data of the sample for the presence of Volatile Organic Hazardous
Air Pollutants (VOHAPs), or Ozone Depleting Compounds (ODCs) and Global
Warming Compounds (GWCs). If any VOHAP, or ODC and GWC is detected in the
sample, no certificate will be issued.
A list of Hazardous Air
Pollutants (HAPs) as contained in Section 112 (b)(1) of the 1990 Clean Air Act
Amendment may be found in Appendix II.
A list
of ODCs may be found in Appendix III and a list of
compounds having global warming potentials is in Appendix IV.
VOHAPs, ODCs, and GWPs are not present, determine if a component with Maximum
Incremental Reactivity (MIR) value higher than toluene is detected. If a
component with MIR value higher than that of toluene is detected, no
certificate will be issued.
The MIR values may be obtained from the
Maximum Incremental Reactivity List found in Appendix VIII of the ARB's
"California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for 1988 and
Subsequent Model Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks and Medium-Duty
Vehicles" as amended on September 22, 1993.
A list sorted in
decreasing MIR values may be found in Appendix V.
all the components have MIR values lower than that of toluene, quantitate each
detected VOC component and calculate the total VOC in g/L of the product at
the recommended use dilution. If the VOC is greater than 25 g/L, no
certificate will be issued.
the VOC is less than 25 g/L, use the formula in Section (b)(43) of Rule 1171
to calculate the VOC composite partial pressure (CPP). If the CPP is greater
than 5 mm Hg at 20°C, no certificate will be issued.
If the above procedures are successfully completed, a CAS certificate will be
A CAS certificate shall be valid for five years from the date of issuance and
may be renewed upon recertification. The recertification fee shall be according
to the fees specified in the most current
Rule 301 fees. Any person utilizing a CAS shall comply with the conditions of
use stated on the certificate. If the original CAS is reformulated, a new CAS
certificate must be obtained and the original CAS Certificate will be considered
The Executive Officer may determine compliance from time to time by sampling
an unopened concentrated product in the field. If the results of laboratory
analysis show that the product does not meet the original certification
criteria, the Executive Officer may revoke the CAS Certificate.
Rule 1171 Solvent Cleaning Operations
Product Certification Process Diagram