AethLabs - microAeth

General Description

The AethLabs microAeth Model AE51 aethalometer is a real-time, pocket sized black carbon aerosol monitor that measures 0-1 mg BC/m3.  

Principle of Operation

The micorAeth collects an air sample on a T60 (Teflon coated glass filter) filter media and measures the rate of change in absorption of transmitted light due to continuous collection of aerosol deposit on filter. The measurement at 880 nm is interpreted as concentration of Black Carbon (‘BC’). The filter media is housed in an easy to replace filter strip for simple handling in the field.

  • Dimensions: 4.6 in (117 mm) L x 2.6 in (66 mm) W x 1.5 in (38 mm) D
  • Weight: Approximately 0.62 lbs (280 g).
  • Battery: Yes rechargeable lithium-ion
  • Power supply: Yes (100~240 VAC to 5VDC / 0.5A output)
  • Sensor lifetime: N/A
  • Clock function: Yes
  • Sampling mechanism: Internal pump provides 50, 100, 150, or 200 ml/min
  • Environmental operating conditions: Temperature: 0°C to 40°C, non-condensing
  • Internal data logging: Yes 4MB
  • PC data logging: Yes
  • Communications: Monitor to USB cable
  • Weatherproof: No


  • Personal exposure monitoring
  • Cook stove monitoring
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Mobile measurements
  • Vertical Profiling

    Manufacturer's product webpage

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