The South Coast AQMD Governing Board, in its role Lead Agency, has determined that the following projects are exempt from the requirements of CEQA. A NOE for each project has been filed and posted accordingly with the appropriate agencies.
December 6, 2002
Proposed Amended Rules 1302 – Definitions, 1303 – Requirements, 1306 – Emission Calculations, 1309 – Emission Reduction Credits, and Proposed Rule 1309.2 – Offset Budget (DOC, 75kb)
Proposed Amended Rule 1610 – Old-Vehicle Scrapping (DOC, 39kb)
October 4, 2002
Rule 1631 - Pilot Credit Generation Program for Marine Vessels (DOC, 41kb)
June 7, 2002
Rule 1193 - Clean On-Road Residential and Commercial Refuse Vehicles (DOC, 41kb)
May 3, 2002
Regulation III - Fees (DOC, 29kb)
April 5, 2002
Regulation IX - Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (DOC, 21kb)
January 11, 2002
Rule 481 - Spray Coating Operations and Rule 1141.2 - Surfactant Manufacturing (DOC, 29kb)
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South Coast Air Quality Management District
21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765
© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District