
Rule 1180 - Refinery Community and Fenceline Air Monitoring

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Rule 1180 & Rule 1180.1 Latest Updates.

Upcoming Inner Port Community Air Monitoring Station Outage Notification
January 27, 2025 through February 5, 2025

The Inner Port Community Air Monitoring Station will be unavailable from January 27 through February 5, 2025. The station will be moved to a different location on the same property to accommodate an underground water main installation. During this period, the station will need to be temporarily powered down. All other community air monitoring stations operated by South Coast AQMD as part of its Rule 1180 program will remain operational, and data can be viewed on the Rule 1180 Data Dashboard.

Adopted in December 2017, Rule 1180 mandates the implementation of real-time observations of air quality at or near the fenceline of all major refineries in the South Coast Air Basin, and in nearby communities.

The Main Objectives of Rule 1180 are to: 

  • Provide real-time information about air pollutant levels at the refinery fenceline and in nearby communities

<< CLICK HERE >> To Visit The Rule 1180 Data Dashboard with Live Updates!

  • Understand long-term variations and trends of refinery related emissions
  • Help communities understand potential air quality impacts of refinery emissions
  • Provide a notification to the community if emissions exceed pre-determined thresholds
  • Enable refineries to quickly address significant changes in emissions

Community Air Monitoring 

As part of Rule 1180 implementation, staff prepared a Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP) that outlines the South Coast AQMD’s strategy, approach and implementation of air monitoring in communities adjacent to all refineries that are subject to Rule 1180.

A community air monitoring network is being developed by the South Coast AQMD and will be operated based on the information provided in this CAMP. A related Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and all relevant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the air monitoring equipment described in this CAMP will be released as separate documents.

Rule 1180 CAMP (PDF)

The Rule 1180 CAMP is envisioned as a living document, thus portions of the community air monitoring network or monitoring approaches may be modified based on feedback and analysis of air monitoring data. Questions about the Rule 1180 CAMP can be sent to


Fenceline Air Monitoring

Rule 1180 requires petroleum refineries to install and operate fenceline air monitoring systems to measure a comprehensive list of criteria pollutants and toxic air contaminants. For each applicable refinery, the rule requires the submittal and approval of a fenceline air monitoring plan that provides detailed information about air monitoring instrumentation, maintenance and quality control procedures, backup systems, auditing, and data reporting methods. All fenceline air monitoring plans shall be consistent with the Rule 1180 Refinery Fenceline Air Monitoring Plan Guidelines developed during the rulemaking process.

The monitoring plans for all refineries can be found on our Fenceline Air Monitoring Plan page, by clicking  << HERE >>

Additional Resources:

  • Community Event - In October of 2024, South Coast AQMD hosted a community event in Lynwood. During this event, South Coast AQMD staff provided an update on rule development and rule implementation and community air monitoring for the implementation of Rule 1180 and Rule 1180.1.
  • Community Workshops - In December of 2019, South Coast AQMD hosted two community workshops in Carson and El Segundo. During these meetings, South Coast AQMD staff provided an update on the implementation of the refinery fenceline air monitoring plans for Rule 1180. Staff also discussed and collected public feedback on the draft Rule 1180 CAMP.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Who is performing these measurements?
    • What compounds are measured under Rule 1180?
    • How often are the data on the website updated?
    • What are Reference Exposure Levels (RELs)
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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District