
Rule 1168 - Adhesive and Sealant Applications

Quantity and Emission Reports (QERs)

Reporting Requirements 

Rule 1168 requires manufacturers and private labelers of regulated products to submit QERs to the South Coast AQMD using the following spreadsheet:

Quantity and Emission Report Spreadsheet for Manufacturers & Private Labelers (Excel, 156 KB)

Rule 1168 also requires a big box retailer or distribution center to submit a QER to the regulated product manufacturer or private labeler. The following spreadsheet may be used for reporting purposes:

Quantity and Emission Report Spreadsheet for Big Box Retailers & Distribution Centers (Excel, 400 KB)

Reporting Schedule

To assist the manufacturer compiling the sales of their products into the South Coast AQMD, Big Box Retailers and Distribution Centers are required to submit QERs to the manufacturers and private labelers according to the schedule in the table below. The Manufacturers and private labelers are required to submit QERs to the South Coast AQMD according to the table below.

1168 Reporting Table

Required Information

The QERs for regulated products must include the following information:

  • Product manufacturer (as labeled)
  • Product name and code
  • Applicable Rule 1168 category
  • The grams of VOC per liter of regulated product (less water and exempt solvents)
  • The grams of VOC per liter of material
  • Identifying products sold using the sell-through provision
  • Identifying low-solids products
  • Indicating if the product is waterborne or solvent based

For more information on QERs, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Reporting for Facilities Using the 55-Gallon Exemption

Beginning in 2017, facilities using the 55 gallon exemption pursuant to subparagraph (f)(2)(F) shall submit an annual report to the South Coast AQMD by September 1st of each year.

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