Here in Southern California, smog season begins as we enter the summer months. Hot, stagnant days can increase the formation of ground-level ozone (smog), creating potentially unhealthy air quality. South Coast AQMD reminds residents to stay informed of air quality levels in their area and adjust their activities accordingly. There are several ways to find out about current air quality conditions in your area:
Smog season officially ends on September 30, but high ozone levels may continue into October and other air pollutants can be high during the rest of the year.
This coincides with Clean Air Month which began May 1, along with U.S. EPA’s Air Quality Awareness Week (AQAW), which was held May 1 - 5. This year’s theme was “Working Together for Clean Air”. Clean Air Month is an annual observance held across the United States, highlighting issues of air pollution and its effect on public health, as well as disproportionately affected environmental justice communities, which are more likely to experience unhealthy air quality in their homes and neighborhoods. AQAW focuses on increasing public mindfulness and education on air quality, respiratory health impacts and environmental justice worldwide.
The public is encouraged to learn more about local air quality issues on South Coast AQMD’s website.