The 2025 South Coast AQMD rule calendar has planned approximately two dozen rule amendments and adoptions in the upcoming year. These rules will assist in implementing control measures from both the 2016 and 2022 Air Quality Management Plans to reduce emissions to attain state and federal air quality standards, reduce health risks or exposures to air toxics, and fulfill the air quality objectives approved in the Assembly Bill (AB) 617 Community Emission Reduction Plans, and resolve or clarify rule provisions.
Upcoming rule activity includes:
Marine Ports – explore a path for infrastructure planning at marine ports.
Zero- and Near-Zero Emission Building Appliances - continue to advance zero and near-zero emission building appliances for residential and commercial space and water heating.
RECLAIM Transition – revise New Source Review provisions to address facilities that are transitioning from the Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) to a command-and-control regulatory structure, address requirements for sulfur oxides (SOx) and establish requirements to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from nitric acid units that will apply to RECLAIM, former RECLAIM, and non-RECLAIM facilities.
Further Controls on Carcinogens - update toxic rules to provide Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) limit relief during reformulation of aerospace, metal, and wood coatings, and solvents to remove PCBTF and tBAC; and further update toxic rules controlling hexavalent chromium from laser arc and plasma arc metal cutting, torch cutting, and welding, as well as from metal treating operations.
Update List of Toxic Air Contaminants - amend the list of toxic air contaminants to include new contaminants identified by California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA).
Implement further PM 2.5 Reduction Actions – amend rules pertaining to wood burning, composting, livestock and char broilers to reduce fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) emissions.
Emergency Diesel Generators - establish and revise provisions to reduce NOx, carbon monoxide (CO), and PM emissions from emergency generators.
For more information, please check the “Rule and Control Measure Forecast” item listed in each month’s Governing Board agenda.