South Coast AQMD has unveiled an innovative, interactive tool that provides a new way for communities to stay informed on ongoing efforts to reduce emissions and exposure to air pollution. The Community Emission Reductions Plan (CERP) Implementation Dashboard (Dashboard) summarizes the progress of approximately 300 CERP objectives for the six South Coast AQMD Assembly Bill 617 (AB 617) communities, and highlights air monitoring activities initiated since June 2019.
The Dashboard is an easy-to-use online tool that utilizes customizable filters data based on a specific AB 617 community, status of CERP objectives, and air quality priority. Additionally, it includes an option to download the data. The Dashboard provides information in both English and Spanish to improve accessibility for community members.
Each community page on the Dashboard highlights also provides a clear snapshot of progress through a color-coordinated pie chart. Users can see the percentage of CERP objectives that are completed, nearing completion, in progress, or have yet to be started. Clicking on any of these statuses will reveal detailed descriptions and progress made implementing each objective, the metrics used to measure progress, and the latest qualitative updates on progress made.
By providing greater transparency, South Coast AQMD hopes the Dashboard helps foster trust and collaboration towards cleaner, healthier air for everyone.
For more information on the AB 617 CERP Implementation Dashboard, visit: