
2023 Compliance Deadlines

The following is a reminder of upcoming South Coast AQMD compliance deadlines. New rules and regulations may be adopted, and current rules may be amended or rescinded throughout the year. Such decisions may impact your business. For the most current rule information, visit South Coast AQMD’s Rule Book or call 1-800-CUT-SMOG. For more information, see the South Coast AQMD rules at the links below.

Rule 1100 - Implementation Schedules for NOX Facilities
Rule 1100 establishes an Implementation schedule for RECLAIM and former RECLAIM facilities that are transitioning to a command-and-control regulatory structure. The owner or operator of a stationary engine at a RECLAIM or former RECLAIM facility must meet the emission limits specified in Rule 1110.2 by December 31, 2023. The owner or operator of compressor gas lean-burn engines not being retrofitted to satisfy the NOx concentration limit specified in Rule 1110.2(d)(3) shall permanently remove the engines from service by December 31, 2023, or follow the implementation schedule specified in Rule 1134(d)(4).

Rule 1109.1 - Emission of Oxides of Nitrogen from Petroleum Refineries and Related Operations
Rule 1109.1 reduces emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), while not increasing carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from petroleum refineries. The owner or operator of a facility with equipment that is required to meet the NOx and CO concentration limits must submit a complete permit application by July 1, 2023.

Rule 1111 - Reduction of NOx Emissions from Natural Gas Fired, Fan-Type Furnaces
Any manufacturer of fan-type central furnaces regulated by this rule may elect to pay a per unit mitigation fee in lieu of meeting the 14 nanogram/Joule NOx emission limit. The Phase 2 mitigation fee option date ends on September 30, 2023 for mobile home furnaces. 

Rule 1135 - Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Electricity Generating Facilities
The owner or operator of an electricity generating facility shall not operate a boiler or gas turbine in a manner that exceeds the NOx emission limits listed in Table 1 of Rule 1135 by January 1, 2024. The owner or operators of electricity generating facilities located on Santa Catalina Island with diesel internal combustion engines shall meet a mass emission limit from all electric generating units of 50 tons of NOx annually by January 1, 2024.

Rule 1147: NOx Reductions from Miscellaneous Sources
The owner or operator of an in-use distillate fuel-fired turbine shall submit a permit application by July 1, 2023 to add a permit condition that requires compliance with an annual fuel throughput of less than or equal to 13,800 gallons/year; and not operate the unit in excess of the annual fuel throughput of 13,800 gallons/year. 

Rule 1147.1: NOx Reductions from Aggregate Dryers
The owner or operator of an aggregate dryer with burner that is 32 years of age at January 1 must submit a permit application by the date specified in Table 2 to meet NOx concentration limit of 30 ppm at 3% oxygen, dry, and the CO concentration limit of 1000 ppm at 3% oxygen and not operate the aggregate dryer such that the limits are exceeded.

Rule 1147.2 – NOx Reductions from Metal Melting and Heating Furnaces
The owner or operator of unit with a rated heat input capacity of less than 40 million BTU/hr with burner that is 12 years of age at January 1, must submit a permit application by July 1 to meet NOx and CO concentration limit in Table 1. The owner or operator of a unit with a rated heat input capacity of greater than 40 million BTU/hr must submit a permit application by July 1, 2023 to meet NOx and CO concentration limits and cease operation of units that exceed limits no later than 18 months after the permit is issued.

Rule 1426 – Emissions from Metal Finishing Operations
Beginning January 1, 2023 an owner or operator of a metal finishing facility shall operate all process tanks and rinse tanks within a building enclosure such that the openings that are open to the exterior and on opposite ends of the building enclosure shall not be simultaneously open except during the passage of vehicles, equipment, or people by using systems that prevent the passage of air. Additionally, an owner or operator of a metal finishing facility shall conduct all buffing, grinding, and polishing operations within a building enclosure. 

Rule 1469 – Hexavalent Chromium Emissions from Chromium 
Electroplating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations

Multiple provisions of Rule 1469 take effect on January 1, 2023 with regard to operating hexavalent chromium tanks in building enclosures, housekeeping when stored in closed containers, minimizing dragout, rinsing parts and installing barriers. 

Rule 1469.1 - Spraying Operations Using Coatings Containing Chromium
Multiple provisions of Rule 1469.1 take effect on January 1, 2023 requiring facilities that spray chromate coatings to upgrade the spray booth and related equipment to meet requirements specified on the rule.

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765


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