
Programs & Services

South Coast AQMD has developed a number of programs that will assist government policymakers in adopting and implementing appropriate local air quality policies such as:

Asbestos Notification

South Coast AQMD Rule 1403 (PDF) establishes notification and work practice requirements to limit asbestos emissions from building demolition and renovation activities. State law requires that a copy of the asbestos demolition notification form (PDF) be provided to Building and Safety personnel prior to the issuance of a demolition permit. Local governments are responsible for the asbestos notification process.

Building and Safety

Permit Checklist (PDF)
Government Code Section 65850.2 prohibits cities from issuing an occupancy permit to a business without clearance from the local air quality agency. 

Fleet Rules and Funding Programs

Public vehicle fleets are subject to special requirements which may require the acquisition of low-emission vehicles during normal fleet turnover purchases and leases.  This may also affect their contractors' service vehicles.  Funding programs are available to help offset the costs of vehicle replacement/re-powering/retrofitting for the reduction of emissions. 

Clean Street Sweepers

South Coast AQMD Rule 1186 requires local governments within the South Coast Air Basin to procure certified street sweepers for new equipment purchases or new street sweeping contracts. To assist local governments in identifying appropriate equipment, South Coast AQMD compiled a list of certified street sweepers (PDF) based on street sweeper testing and certification procedures established by Rule 1186.  This list of equipment is updated periodically based on certifications test results and in response to new information.

General Plans

Guidance Document for Addressing Air Quality Issues in General Plans and Local Planning
South Coast AQMD worked with local government agencies to develop a draft Guidance Document for Addressing Air Quality Issues in General Plans and Local Planning, which city and county governments may voluntarily incorporate into their General Plans.

Localized Significance Thresholds

Localized Significance Thresholds (PDF) are tools developed for public agencies to use when preparing CEQA or NEPA environmental analysis to determine whether a project may generate significant adverse localized air quality impacts.

Permit and Compliance Assistance

Small Business Assistance Program
Small Business Assistance staff are available to help public agencies and businesses obtain permit, compliance and funding information.


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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765


© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District