

South Coast AQMD strongly encourages public participation as vital to developing sound air quality policies. By getting involved, individuals have greater impact on clean air policy and the decision-making process. Joining forces with South Coast AQMD also helps people learn about air pollution risks to which they are exposed, and how to minimize exposure. To increase community access and involvement in air quality issues, the following resources are available:

  • The Air Quality Complaint line, 1-800-CUT-SMOG, for individuals to file complaints about 
    • smoking vehicles
    • bad odors
    • fumes
    • exhaust or soot from nearby businesses or facilities
    • dust from construction sites 
    • extended periods of idling by trucks, trains or other equipment
    • chemical particles or droplets or other evidence of spraying from a nearby business
  • Publications and Videos
  • Clean Air Choice program to help buyers identify lower-emitting vehicles.
  • Public Record Requests program to fulfill data requests.
  • The region's blueprint for clean air, the Air Quality Management Plan, which is updated every three years. Opportunities to participate include working groups, public consultations, workshops and regional hearings at which residents may testify or provide written comments.
  • Database of Notice of Violations and Notices to Comply issued.
  • Access to reports on projects that fall under the California Environmental Quality Act where South Coast AQMD is the lead agency.
  • Overseeing public noticing of Air Toxic "Hot Spots" and Title V permitting requests for large facilities, AB2588 Link to external website. facilities locating near schools, and facilities seeking to exceed specified emissions levels under Rule 212 (PDF, 15.6kb). Under State law, residents have the right to know about possible health risks from toxic air contaminants emitted by facilities in their neighborhood. When the South Coast AQMD is planning to issue a permit to such a facility, a notice will be published in local newspapers and mailed to interested parties. Contact Subscription Services to request to be added to the mailing list.
  • Public posting of South Coast AQMD hosted public hearings as well as rulemaking workshops and consultation meetings. By participating in these meetings, individuals can give input on proposed rules or amendments to existing rules.
  • Links to additional resources
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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765


© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District