EPA developed 40 CFR 64 (Compliance Assurance Monitoring or "CAM") in order to provide reasonable assurance that facilities comply with emissions limitations by monitoring the operation and maintenance of their control devices. The CAM rule was effective on November 21, 1997; however, most facilities will not be affected by CAM requirements until renewal of their Title V permit. Affected facilities are required to complete the CAM Applicability Form 500-H as part of a Title V application.
Operators of existing or new large emission units (post-control emissions ³ MST) need to include CAM plans as part of their initial Title V permit application or if a significant permit revision involving the emission unit is submitted. CAM plans for other sources (pre-control emissions > MST) are due with Title V permit renewal applications.
Form 500-H (PDF), required to be completed along with the other forms, was designed to assist the applicant with determining CAM applicability. A separate application for a CAM plan is required in accordance with Rule 306. A Title V facility that is subject to CAM must additionally submit a CAM plan in accordance with Rule 306-Plan Fees (PDF).
In general, CAM applies to emissions units that meet all of the following conditions:
the unit is located at a major source for which a Title V permit is required; and
the unit is subject to an emission limitation or standard; and
the unit uses a control device to achieve compliance with a federally enforceable limit or standard; and
the unit has potential pre-control or post-control emissions of at least 100% of the major source amount; and
the unit is not otherwise exempt from CAM.
To learn more about the CAM program, you can visit the EPA's CAM website
Sample Flowchart of CAM Applicability