
Commercial Airports MOUs

MOUs with five commercial airports based on implementation of airports' air quality improvement measures and initiatives

***NEW*** South Coast AQMD and the California Air Resources Board will co-host an Aviation Technology Forum in Sacramento, March 13-14, 2025. More details here.


The Facility-Based Mobile Source Measure for Commercial Airports implements the 2016 AQMP Control Measure MOB-04, Emission Reductions at Commercial Airports. This measure applies to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), John Wayne Orange County Airport (SNA), Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR), Ontario International Airport (ONT), and Long Beach Airport (LGB). Following the adoption of the 2016 AQMP, staff conducted 17 working group meetings to address the FBMSM sectors including commercial airports during a year-long public process. Based on the working group discussions, staff recommended that South Coast AQMD pursue a voluntary Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) approach for commercial airports.

On May 4, 2018, the Board approved staff’s recommendation to pursue a voluntary MOU approach based on the airports’ development of Air Quality Improvement Plans (AQIPs). Following the Board’s direction, South Coast AQMD established a new Airports MOU working group for the purpose of developing MOUs with individual commercial airports based on their respective AQIPs. The AQIPs represent the airports’ comprehensive plans to reduce emissions from non-aircraft mobile sources related to airport operations (e.g., ground support equipment, shuttle buses, and delivery trucks). Based on the draft AQIPs or Air Quality Improvement Measures (AQIM) developed by the five commercial airports, draft MOUs are developed for each of the five commercial airports. The MOUs represent voluntary agreements between South Coast AQMD and each commercial airport with each party having specific responsibilities and commitments. The MOUs include schedules for AQIP/AQIM measures eligible for SIP credit that specify the metrics and performance targets, the timeline for implementation, and the details of the annual reports to be prepared by the airports and submitted to South Coast AQMD. South Coast AQMD will seek to obtain SIP credits for the AQIP/AQIM measures specified in the MOUs.

On December 6, 2019, the South Coast AQMD Governing Board approved the MOUs with the five commercial airports.

Annual progress reports on MOU implementation are available here.

Notice of Public Hearing

Final Staff Report

Draft Staff Report

Preliminary Draft Staff Report

Los Angeles International Airport

Hollywood Burbank Airport

Long Beach Airport

Ontario International Airport

John Wayne Orange County Airport

    Public Consultation Meeting

    Staff Info:

    Shawn Wang                       Daniel C. Hernandez     
    Program Supervisor          Air Quality Specialist
    (909) 396-3319                  (909) 396-2126   


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    21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



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