

Air Quality Egg 2022 Model

General Description

The Air Quality Egg 2022 Model is a configurable sensor designed provide real-time measurements of CO, NO2, and O3  concentrations as well as PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations. The sensor also provides temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure measurements.

Principle of Operation

The Air Quality Egg 2022 Model uses a Winsen ZE12A electrochemical sensors to determine CO, NO2, and O3 concentrations. The Air Quality Egg 2022 Model also uses dual Plantower PMS5003 laser particle counters, in which the presence of particles is deduced from laser light scattering. These sensors report suspended particles in sizes of 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10 µm. These particle counts are processed by the sensor using a complex algorithm to calculate the PM1.0, PM2.5 & PM10 mass in µg/m3. PMS5003 sensors come factory calibrated. The Air Quality Egg 2022 Model manufacturer uses an aggregate value of the two PMS5003 sensors to determine particle mass concentration values if both sensors are working correctly, otherwise the reported particle mass concentration value is based on the remaining working PMS5003 sensor.


  • Dimensions: 140 (W) x 140 (H) x 85 (Thickness) (mm)
  • Weight: 740 g
  • Battery: No
  • Power supply: Yes (USB power adapter)
  • Sensor lifetime: 3 years
  • Clock function: Yes
  • Sampling mechanism: Fan
  • Environmental operating conditions: Temperature: 0 to 40 °C; RH: 0 – 99 %
  • Sensor response time: Maximum of 30 seconds
  • Internal data logging: Yes
  • Data communication and logging: Wi-Fi, USB download
  • Weatherproof: No


  • Indoor air monitoring
  • Outdoor air monitoring
  • Personal air monitoring
  • Education K-12
  • Fenceline monitoring
  • Community advocacy monitoring
  • Workplace environmental health and safety
Developer's Product Webpage

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