
Rule 1180 Community Air Monitoring

Air monitoring can provide valuable information about sources of air pollution, types of pollutants, and air quality impacts in the community. Information that is collected from air monitoring can be used to track air quality improvements.

<<< Click Here for Rule 1180 Historical Data Bulk Download. This page contains Rule 1180 historical data files available for download. The files are updated quarterly. >>>

Community Air Monitoring Station Updates 02/21/2025 - On February 21, 2025, at 9:15 am, a Community Air Quality Notification for formaldehyde at the First Methodist Air Monitoring Station was issued in error. South Coast AQMD has identified and corrected the cause of this error and is working on additional quality control procedures that will prevent this type of error from happening in the future. Maintaining the accuracy and reliability of our notification system is very important to us. Formaldehyde concentrations at the First Methodist station on February 21, 2025, did not exceed the short-term notification threshold of 45.5 ppb. Formaldehyde concentrations at the First Methodist site remain within typical background levels for this area. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we strive to provide you with reliable community air quality information. - The Rule 1180 Team.



The Inner Port Community Air Monitoring Station will be unavailable from January 27 through February 5, 2025. The station will be moved to a different location on the same property to accommodate an underground water main installation. During this period, the station will need to be temporarily powered down. All other community air monitoring stations operated by South Coast AQMD as part of its Rule 1180 program will remain operational, and data can be viewed on the Rule 1180 Data Dashboard.

- On September 30, 2024, between 2:50 PM and 3:20 AM, a Rule 1180 Community Air Quality Notification for Acetaldehyde at Hudson Air Monitoring Station was incorrectly issued by South Coast AQMD. We have identified and corrected the cause of the error leading to the false alert notification being sent to the subscribers. We are working on improvements to notifications quality control to prevent this error in the future.

Acetaldehyde concentrations at the Hudson Station did not exceed a 1-hour standard; and acetaldehyde concentrations at the Rule 1180 community air monitoring stations remain within normally observed levels.

We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused you. Maintaining the accuracy and reliability of our notifications is of paramount importance to us, and we will take additional measures to prevent such errors in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support as we strive to provide you with the most accurate and reliable community air quality information.

Rule 1180 team is pleased to announce that network communication for Rule 1180 community air monitoring network has been restored. Real-time community air monitoring data is now available via Rule 1180 Data Display Portal.

- Services Down – Update
South Coast AQMD Rule 1180 Community Air Monitoring Data Portal has been affected by the global CrowdStrike issue, and as a result, the real time air monitoring data for our Community Air Monitoring Stations are currently unavailable. Community air monitoring stations continue to operate normally, and data will be available when communication is restored. South Coast AQMD is working to restore communications as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support as we strive to provide you with the most accurate and reliable community air quality information. - Rule 1180 Team.

- Air monitoring data for Hudson Community Air Monitoring Station is currently unavailable due to communication disruption at this site. South Coast AQMD is working with the provider to restore communications as soon as possible. Air monitoring equipment continues operating normally, and data will be available when communication is restored. 

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support as we strive to provide you with the most accurate and reliable community air quality information.

- On June 28, 2023, between 12:20 AM and 1:05 AM, a Rule 1180 Community Air Quality Notification for Hydrogen Sulfide at Guenser Park Air Monitoring Station was incorrectly issued by the South Coast AQMD. We have identified the cause of this error, which was triggered by a scheduled automatic data quality control check, leading to the false alert notification being sent to the subscribers.

The source of this error has since been corrected. H2S concentrations at the Rule 1180 community air monitoring stations remain within normally observed levels.

We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused you. Maintaining the accuracy and reliability of our notifications is of paramount importance to us, and we will take additional measures to prevent such errors in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support as we strive to provide you with the most accurate and reliable community air quality information. - Rule 1180 Team.

- Air monitoring data for Hudson Community Air Monitoring Station will be unavailable Friday, March 3, 2023, through Tuesday, March 7, 2023, due to replacement of air conditioning system.

- Rule 1180 Community Air Quality Notification for Hydrogen Sulfide at St Anthony Air Monitoring Station on 01/15/2022 was issued in error. Power fluctuation at the site had resulted in analyzer malfunction and causing a false alert notification being sent to subscribers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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Air Monitoring Data Display - with
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Community air monitoring near all major refineries in the South Coast Air Basin (Basin) is being conducted as part of the Rule 1180 Program. Rule 1180 was adopted by the South Coast AQMD Governing Board on December 1, 2017 and requires all large petroleum refineries in the Basin to collect emission data at or near their fenceline, and to provide data quickly to the public.  To this end refineries are required to install and operate continuous fenceline air monitoring systems to monitor a comprehensive list of criteria and toxic air pollutants in real-time.  Rule 1180 also establishes a fee schedule, to be paid by the refineries, for the cost of designing, developing, installing, operating and maintaining refinery-related community air monitoring sites.  Community air monitoring is conducted by the South Coast AQMD in accordance to the Rule 1180 Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP).

Main Goals and Objectives

  • Implement a robust, continuous and near real-time community air monitoring network near all refineries in the Basin;
  • Provide near real-time air quality information through a dedicated website to inform the public of current air quality conditions in their community;
  • Notify the public in case the ambient concentration of one or more air pollutants exceeds pre-determined thresholds
  • Collect air pollution data suitable for short- and long-term air quality assessments;
  • Provide up-to-date community air quality data;
  • Promote awareness of the potential impact of refinery emissions on air quality through public education;
  • Track progress in improving community air quality.

Historical_Data_Icon <<< Click Here for Rule 1180 Historical Data Bulk Download. This page contains Rule 1180 historical data files available for download. The files are updated quarterly. >>>

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District