
Rule 1180 - Fenceline Air Monitoring & Refinery Plans


Rule 1180 requires petroleum refineries to install and operate fenceline air monitoring systems to measure a comprehensive list of criteria pollutants and toxic air contaminants. For each applicable refinery, the rule requires the submittal and approval of a fenceline air monitoring plan that provides detailed information about air monitoring instrumentation, maintenance and quality control procedures, backup systems, auditing, and data reporting methods. All fenceline air monitoring plans shall be consistent with the Rule 1180 Refinery Fenceline Air Monitoring Plan Guidelines developed during the rulemaking process.

In August 2018, all refineries submitted to South Coast AQMD their draft fenceline air monitoring plans. Upon the initial review of the plans, South Coast AQMD staff determined that all submitted plans had major deficiencies. Staff worked with each refinery individually to improve the plans. As a result of this work, all refineries submitted their revised draft fenceline air monitoring plans which were made available for public review. 

Following review and analysis of the public comments, staff worked with each refinery to modify their proposed fenceline coverage in order to address the concerns raised by the public. All refineries agreed to modify their proposed fenceline coverage by including additional open-path and point instruments, and South Coast AQMD staff determined that the revised fenceline coverages are adequate to satisfy the requirements of Rule 1180. Therefore, all refineries received partial approvals of their fenceline monitoring plans. Partial approvals are granted to the fenceline air monitoring portion of the plans only. The partial approval letters for each refinery are linked in (Table 1.) below.


South Coast AQMD staff has been working with all refineries on all other elements of the fenceline monitoring plans, namely: back-up monitoring and maintenance, data presentation to the public, public notifications and notification thresholds, and a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). The revised fenceline air monitoring plans for all refineries can be found in (Table 1.) below.

Plans are in review for approval consideration. Questions about the plans can be sent to

Table 1.

Refinery/Operator Draft Fenceline
Air Monitoring Plan
Released for Public Comments Public Comments Accepted Until Partial Approval Letters and Earlier Plan Drafts
Refinery Fenceline Air Monitoring Webpages 
Chevron El Segundo Refinery Updated Chevron Draft Plan and QAPP
November 20, 2019 5:30pm Extended to December 20, 2019 5:30pm Partial Approval: 03/21/2019
Chevron Partial Approval

Chevron Initial Draft Plan
 Chevron El Segundo - Home (
Tesoro Carson and Wilmington Refineries* Updated Tesoro Plan and QAPP
November 20, 2019 5:30pm Extended to December 20, 2019 5:30pm Partial Approval: 04/02/2019
Tesoro Partial Approval

Tesoro Initial Draft Plan
Marathon LAR - Home ( 
Phillips 66 Carson Refinery Updated Phillips 66 Draft Plan

Phillips 66 Carson Draft QAPP
November 20, 2019 5:30pm Extended to December 20, 2019 5:30pm Partial Approval: 03/29/2019
Phillips 66 Partial Approval

Phillips 66 Carson Initial Draft Plan
Phillips 66 - Home ( 
Phillips 66 Wilmington Refinery Updated Phillips 66 Draft Plan

Phillips 66 Wilmington Draft QAPP
November 20, 2019 5:30pm Extended to December 20, 2019 5:30pm Partial Approval: 03/29/2019
Phillips 66 Partial Approval

Phillips 66 Wilmington Initial Draft Plan
Phillips 66 - Home ( 
Torrance Refining Company Torrance Refinery Updated Draft Plan

Torrance Refinery Draft QAPP

Updated Torrance Refinery Draft QAPP submitted 12/05/19
November 20, 2019 5:30pm Extended to December 20, 2019 5:30pm Partial Approval: 03/27/2019
Torrance Partial Approval

Torrance Refinery Initial Draft Plan
Torrance Refinery ( 
Valero Wilmington Refinery Updated Valero Draft Plan

Valero Draft QAPP
November 20, 2019 12:00pm Extended to December 20, 2019 5:30pm Partial Approval: 03/27/2019
Valero Partial Approval

Valero Initial Draft Plan
Valero - home page ( 

* Tesoro submitted one plan describing fenceline monitoring to be conducted at Carson and Wilmington refineries.

For any questions regarding the above information, please contact:

Dr. Andrea Polidori (909) 396-3283
Dr. Olga Pikelnaya (909) 396-3157

South Coast AQMD staff would like to thank everyone who provided feedback on the plans for their thoughtful comments and suggestions. All comments received were carefully considered to determine if modifications of the draft plans should be made, prior to their official approval or disapproval.

  • Public comments submitted on draft refinery fenceline air monitoring plans can be viewed here.
  • A summary of the public comments and South Coast AQMD staff responses can be found here.

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21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



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