The following Permit Projects have been determined to be subject to CEQA and thus the following documents have been prepared. The date in the parenthesis is either the closing date for comments on the draft CEQA document or the certification date when the final CEQA document was approved by the South Coast AQMD's Executive Officer.
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The following documents are the current active CEQA Permit Projects:
Final Environmental Impact Report for the Tesoro Los Angeles Refinery Integration and Compliance Project (certified May 12, 2017) (PDF, 57Mb)*
Appendix A (PDF, 16Mb)*
Appendix B (PDF, 21Mb)*
Appendices C-F (PDF, 13Mb)*
Appendices G0-G1 [Part 1] (PDF, 27Mb)*
Appendix G1 [Part 2] (PDF, 55Mb)*
Appendix G1 [Part 3] (PDF, 46Mb)*
Appendix G1 [Part 4] (PDF, 41Mb)*
Appendix G1 [Part 5] (PDF, 52Mb)*
Appendix G1 [Part 6] (PDF, 44Mb)*
Appendix G1 [Part 7] (PDF, 39Mb)*
Appendix G2 (PDF, 28Mb)*
Appendix G3 [Part 1] (PDF, 41Mb)*
Appendix G3 [Part 2] (PDF, 30Mb)*
Appendix G3 [Part 3] (PDF, 18Mb)*
Appendix G3 [Part 4] (PDF, 8Mb)
Appendix G4 & Attachments (PDF, 13Mb)*
Appendices H-I (PDF, 7Mb)
Attachment 1 (PDF, 315kb)
The facility's Title V permit revisions are also available for download. Please note that the Final EIR evaluated the currently proposed Title V permit revisions and anticipated future permit revisions.
Archive of CEQA Permit Projects listed by year:
2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011,2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005,
2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000