
Tree Planting Partership - FAQs

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What is the amount of the local funding match requirement (e.g. 50%, 25%)?

There is no specified local funding match requirement. The local match funding could be dollar for dollar or less; in-kind support can be included as an amount to be matched as long as it meets the requirements of the program announcement. However, as detailed in the program announcement, one of the application evaluation criteria is cost effectiveness based upon "amount requested/number of trees to be planted in project".

Can cities partner with local organizations to conduct the outreach activities?

Yes. Partnership and collaboration are encouraged. The application must be submitted from an eligible city/county.

Are there any restrictions regarding the award amount an applicant may request?

Staff did not include any restrictions, but would like to award multiple grants and have good geographical diversity.

How many applications do you typically receive in a single funding cycle? Is this program very competitive? How many grants do you anticipate awarding for the current fiscal year?

Staff is not sure how many proposals will be received for this program, how many will be awarded, or how competitive this will be until all proposals are received and reviewed. There has been substantial interest expressed.

Will this program have a time limit for expenditure of the funds?

The projects must be completed within one year of entering into contract with AQMD. How the contract is written will depend on how the funds are distributed.

Will there be future annual or periodic cycles of this grant opportunity?

Possibly, but currently none are planned.

Will the grant be available for maintenance cost as well?

Yes. As detailed in page 4 under "Tree Types and Maintenance Requirements", the grant can cover up to two years of maintenance.

Will this project be allowed to run into next fiscal year?


When do the projects begin?

We anticipate awarding projects at the September 11th or October 2nd Governing Board meeting. Contracts may take 4-6 weeks. The projects will likely to begin in November or December 2009.


If a good proposal asked for a lot of money, then will AQMD call the applicant to adjust the price?

Most likely we will and applicants will be allowed to resubmit a project budget.

Will the applicants get reimbursed after the project?

As detailed on page 5 under "Front-Funds", the match funds will be distributed on a reimbursement basis upon completion of the approved project and submission of all required reports and invoices. Up to 20% can be reimbursed.

Where did the money come from?

The money came from the AQMD's general fund.

How much can be used for irrigation parts?

As detailed on page 4 under "Equipment and Supplies", irrigation parts are considered as supplies. You can request up to a maximum of $10,000 of the requested matching amount for supplies.



Can an applicant propose trees that are not in the program announcement list?

Yes, as long as the proposed trees are California native with low VOC emissions. Trees that are drought tolerant will receive extra points in the evaluation.

Are citrus trees (introduced in the late 1700s) considered eligible?

We will consider citrus trees as being eligible.

"Are 5-10 gallon non drought-tolerant citrus trees eligible?"

The 5-10 gallon trees would be outside the requirements of the announcement. These can be proposed in your project application but submit a reason on why these smaller sizes are desirable (including a reference). In addition, these smaller trees are likely less expensive as 15-gallon containers. One of the considerations when reviewing the proposals is the cost and number trees per amount requested. So please also include the cost differences between these tree sizes so this may be taken into consideration.

Can you comment about the requirement for native species?

This was added to the Program Announcement per request of the AQMD Stationary Source Committee.

Does it matter where the trees are planted?

Trees must be planted on public lands, which may include schools and public parks.

Is there a requirement for irrigation for the trees?

No specific requirement. However, the applicants should use common practice to ensure survival rates of planted trees.

Will you consider tree inventory as tree maintenance?


Where can I find references on low VOC emission trees?

We used a paper published by researchers at UCLA. Here is the reference: Michael T. Benjamin and Arthur M. Winer, "Estimating the ozone-forming potential for urban trees and shrubs" 1998, Atmospheric Environment 32: 53-68.

The following website also has good information Link to external website.



We currently have students on staff who could possibly work part time on this grant, would that meet the student employment component of the grant?

This would count as long as the students get additional hours. We encourage hiring more temporary students to help. The number of temporary students and student hours utilized is one of the criteria used to review applications.

Must these students work on this specific planting program? Would it count if they are employed by the city but are not working on this project?

They must work on this planting program. This does not necessarily mean planting trees themselves. For instance, they could help design the project, select trees, report progress of the project, etc.

What if our contractor has students on staff?

That could count as long as the students are working on the tree project related to this grant program.

What if our volunteers are students?

This would count towards the outreach component and some in-kind support. If you paid them, this could count towards student employment.

Is there an age requirement for students?

No age requirement specified. As long as they are students and applicable laws are followed.

Does "Student Employment" require the temporary hire and subsequent wages to the student? Or would obtaining student volunteers suffice? If wages are required to be paid, is this a reimbursable cost to the grant?

The student employment portion of the project is to provide employment opportunities for students during this difficult economy while also providing some educational aspects. The use of student volunteers does not count towards student employment but may count towards in-kind support. The student wages are partially reimbursable by the grant since there is a matching component.

Can you hire students for just planting or for planting and maintenance?

Either one is fine. It is up to the applicants to decide.

How much money should we set aside for student employment?

There is no requirement as for how much should be set aside for student employment. It is up to the applicant to decide how much goes to tree purchase and how much goes to student employment.

Are we specifically talking about students or at risk youth?

Students for this program.

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Aaron Katzenstein
(909) 396-2219
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