
Off-Road Compression-Ignition Equipment

Propulsion engines on mobile off-road equipment are eligible for CMP funding, with limitations. Off-road heavy-duty equipment/engines include, but are not limited to, construction equipment, agricultural tractors, marine engines, ship-side shore power, industrial equipment, cargo-handling equipment and locomotive equipment. Portable equipment replacement projects with engines greater than 49 horsepower are now eligible for funding under the 2024 CMP Guidelines.


Fleets must be in compliance with CARB’s In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation (Off-Road Regulation) in order to be eligible for funding.  As of January 1, 2017, diesel-to-diesel repowers or replacements for Large Fleets are eligible for funding, however after being funded once, any subsequent funding opportunities which would be applied towards those same engines/equipment units would be limited to zero-emission projects only. 

Applicants must submit information regarding fleet size and compliance status. This must include the Diesel Off-Road On-line Reporting System (DOORS) ID of the fleet, the DOORS Compliance Snapshot, the DOORS equipment list, and the DOORS Equipment Identification Number (EIN) of the funded equipment.

Off-road projects fall into three distinct categories:

Off-road projects fall into three distinct categories: 1) Repower – Replacement of an existing engine with a new emission-certified engine, 2) Retrofit – Installation of a CARB-verified emission control system on an existing engine, and 3) Replacement – Purchase of new or used equipment equipped with an engine certified to the current off-road emission standards (or cleaner) to replace an older, fully functional piece of equipment that is to be scrapped. Further details of these project categories are described below: 

Engine Repower:

Engine repowers are commonly diesel-to-diesel repowers and significant NOx and PM benefits are achieved due to the higher emission levels of the engine being replaced. New engines must be certified to the current emission standard (Tier 4 Final) or zero emission technology. Funding is not available for projects where a spark-ignition engine (i.e., natural gas, gasoline, etc.) is replaced with a diesel engine. 


Retrofit is the installation of a CARB-verified diesel emission control device on an existing engine. Examples include, but are not limited to, particulate filters and diesel oxidation catalysts. Retrofit projects that control PM10 must use the highest level, technically feasible technology available for the equipment being retrofitted, which is defined as a device that achieves the highest level of PM10 reductions (Level 3 - 85 percent) and the highest level of NOx reductions. 

Equipment Replacement:

The purchase of new or used equipment with an engine certified to the current emission standard (Tier 4 Final) or zero emission technology to replace an older, fully functional piece of equipment that is to be scrapped. 

How to Apply:

Please check our main webpage regularly for updates on future funding opportunities and solicitations and/or sign-up for our e-newsletter to receive information on incentive programs.

Useful Links and Resources:

  • For Carl Moyer Reporting:    

  • Links to CARB Rules that Affect CMP Eligibility (please check the appropriate website for applicable CARB regulation and compliance dates):

CARB Rules


In-Use Off-Road (CI) 

For additional CMP information on Off-Road Equipment, please email

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