
Marine Vessel Projects

Marine vessel project types include engine repower, vessel replacement and ship-side shore power. Each category is summarized below.

Marine Engine Repower:

The 2023 amendments to CARB’s Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) Regulation accelerated turnover of diesel engines to Tier 4 marine performance standards plus diesel particulate filter performance standards, added new vessel categories and requires zero-emission or zero-emission capable hybrid technology for selected vessel types. Marine vessels not subject to the in-use compliance requirements of the CHC Regulation such as registered historic vessels and dedicated emergency use vessels meeting Tier 2 or Tier 3 Standards are eligible for funding under the Carl Moyer Program (CMP). Limited funding opportunities remain for vessels subject to the in-use compliance requirements of CARB’s CHC regulation (i.e., barge, crew/supply, dredge, excursion, ferry, towboat, tugboat, commercial fishing vessel, research and workboats). Repower projects must be completed at least one year prior to the vessel’s in-use compliance date to be eligible for funding. Based on the vessel’s operation, the newer engine’s emissions must be surplus to the currently required U.S. EPA marine engine emission standard (i.e., Tier 3, 4, or cleaner). A project repowering to the zero-emission system or zero-emission capable hybrid system must demonstrate that the system is approved by CARB’s Executive Officer via ZEAT application process.

Marine Vessel Replacement:

Vessel replacement projects are eligible when the applicant can demonstrate that no suitable engines or CARB-verified DPFs physically fit within the existing vessel structure, and no amount of modifications can be made to the vessel structure without compromising its structural integrity or stability, or that a repower project would necessitate extensive vessel modifications which would cost more than the purchase of a new vessel or reduce the passenger capacity of the vessel by 25 percent or greater. Similar to repower projects, the vessel replacement must be completed at least one year prior to the vessel’s in-use compliance date to be eligible for funding. A vessel replacement to zero-emission system or zero-emission capable hybrid system is also qualified for funding as long as the system is approved by CARB’s Executive Officer via ZEAT application process OR it is an approved vessel in the CORE Catalog

Shore Power (Ship-Side) Projects:

Limited CMP funding opportunities remain for shore power projects due to the applicability of CARB’s At-Berth Regulation. Applicants must submit their CARB-approved Initial Terminal Plan to document compliance with CARB’s Shore Power regulation. The proposed project must provide emission reductions that are surplus to regulatory requirements. Projects not subject to CARB’s regulation are eligible. 

How to Apply:

Please check our main webpage regularly for updates on future funding opportunities and solicitations and/or sign-up for our e-newsletter to receive information on incentive programs. 

Useful Links and Resources:

  • Links to CARB Rules that Affect CMP Eligibility (please check the appropriate website for applicable CARB regulation and compliance dates):

CARB Rules

Harbor Craft Link to external website.

Shore Power Link to external website.

For additional CMP information on Marine Vessels, please contact project officer Nick Volpone at (909) 396-2636 or by email at

For additional CMP information on Ship-Side Shore Power projects, please email

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