Per 40 CFR 64, a CAM plan must:
1. Describe the indicators to be monitored [Section 64.4(a)(1)];
2. Describe the ranges or the process to set indicator ranges [Section 64.4(a)(2)];
3. Describe the performance criteria for the monitoring, including [Section 64.4(a)(3)]:
a. specifications for obtaining representative data;
b. verification procedures to confirm the monitoring's operational status;
c. quality assurance and control procedures
d. monitoring frequency
i. 4 times per hour (minimum) if post-control emissions are ³ MST; or
ii. 1 time per day (minimum) if post-control emissions are < MST.
4. Describe indicator ranges and performance criteria for a CEMS, COMS, or PEMS [Section 64.3(a)(4)];
5. Provide a justification for the use of parameters, ranges, and monitoring approach [Section 64.4(b)];
6. Provide emissions test data; and, if necessary [Section 64.4(c)]
7. Provide an implementation plan for installing, testing, and operating the monitoring [Section 64.4(d)].