Pursuant to the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (District) Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Guidelines, the following public notice establishing a new, more stringent BACT is being distributed for 30-day public comment period.
This document serves as a notice of the District’s intent to require more stringent BACT for four new boilers that will be located at Disneyland Resorts in Anaheim, CA. The proposed BACT requirement for the 8.5 million Btu/hour boilers is a 12 parts per million (ppm) nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions limit.
The District is the air pollution control agency for Orange County, Riverside County (excluding the easternmost portion located in the Mojave Desert APCD) and the non-desert portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Anyone wishing to install or modify equipment that could control or be a source of air pollution within this region must first obtain a permit from the District.
Each boiler will be equipped with an Alzeta, Model CSB84, ultra low-NOx burner that will create NOx emissions that are 40% below the current BACT level (i.e., 20 ppm) for this class of equipment. The Alzeta CSB burners have been demonstrated as a 12 ppm burner in a number of applications, and the boilers at Disneyland will be source tested (at three different firing rates) in order to verify compliance with the 12 ppm NOx limit.
The basis for this BACT determination is a boiler operation at the California State Prison in Corcoran, California. The facility is operating a Clayton boiler rated at 8.1 million Btu/hour, and the NOx limit is 12 ppm. The San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Management District (SJVAQMD) issued the permit and the boiler has been operating since early 1997. Compliance with the 12 ppm NOx limit has been verified by source tests according to the SJVAQMD.
Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed BACT determination for the boilers should submit the comments in writing within 30 days of the distribution date shown below. Submit written comments to Martin Kay, Planning, Rule Development & Area Sources, South Coast Air Quality Management District, 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, California 91765-4182 or by email to mkay@aqmd.gov. If you have any questions about the project, call Roy Olivares at 909-396-2208. If you are concerned primarily about zoning decisions and the process by which the facility has been sited in this location, you should contact your local city or county planning department.
DISTRIBUTION DATE: December 16, 1999