The Title V operating permit identifies all air quality requirements for the facility, which includes all rule requirements, emission limits, and compliance and risk reduction plans for the facility. South Coast AQMD makes Title V permits available to the public on its Title V webpage, and a copy of Quemetco’s permit may be accessed by searching for Quemetco by using Facility ID 8547.
Federal and South Coast AQMD regulations require the building and operations to be under constant negative pressure that ensures emissions from the process are collected and vented to air pollution control equipment.
South Coast AQMD Rule 1420.1 (Emission Standards for Lead and Other Toxic Air Contaminants from Large Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Facilities) has the most stringent emission limits and requirements for lead-acid battery recyclers in the country. In addition to the negative pressure requirements, Rule 1420.1 also implements exhaust stack emission limits for lead, arsenic, 1,3 butadiene, and benzene emissions, and requires ambient air monitoring for lead and arsenic emissions, exhaust stack source testing, housekeeping and work practice requirements, and monitoring and recordkeeping requirements. Rule 1420.1 also has curtailment provisions which require the facility to reduce the feedstock to the reverberatory furnace if the exhaust stack emission limits or ambient air concentration limits for lead or arsenic are exceeded.